Australian Geography Competition


Information for Schools

We invite your school to enter.

Why enter?

For your school:

  • to reward student excellence
  • to promote interest in geography in your school
  • to get detailed feedback on your students’ performance
  • to receive recognition, with prizes given to the top school in each State and combined Territories, and the top 10 schools in Australia announced

For your students:

  • to practice geographical skills
  • to receive printed certificates and results for their portfolios
  • to compete for prizes given to the highest-performing geography students in each State and combined Territories in each Year level
  • for Year 11 students, the chance to be selected for Geography’s Big Week Out and the International Geography Olympiad.

What is the Competition format?

The Competition will be delivered online. Students have 30 minutes to answer multiple-choice and cloze questions, based on the content of the Australian Curriculum: Geography. The questions test both geographical knowledge and skills. 

Who can enter?

The Competition is school-based and designed for students in Years 7 to 12. Schools may enter younger students if they wish and those students will be graded with Year 7 students. Only students enrolled in geography, or an integrated humanities or social sciences subject that includes geography, are eligible for prizes.

Teachers of vision-impaired students and Schools of Distance Education should contact the Competition Office to discuss any special requirements.

How do I enter my school?

  • Enter by 15 March using the online form. Late entries may be accepted; please contact the Competition Office for advice.
  • Make a payment of $5.00 entry fee per student, with no other charges.

Can I change our entry?

Schools may increase the number of students entered, but to decrease the number, or to withdraw the entry, you must notify the Competition Office via email by Monday 8 April 2024. If required, a refund will be made, less a $30.00 handling fee. No refund will be given if notification is received after this time.

Important Dates

End of JanuaryCompetition information posted to schools
Friday 15 March 2024Entry deadline
Monday 8 April 2024Deadline to decrease or cancel entry
Wednesday 15 May to Wednesday 29 May 2024Competition in schools
Late June 2024Prize winners notified
July 2024Results returned
Monday 19 August to Friday 23 August 2024International Geography Olympiad
Monday 30 September to Friday 4 October 2024Geography’s Big Week Out

Student prizes

The highest-scoring geography student in each Year level in Australia, in each State and in the combined Territories (ACT, NT and the External Territories) receive a book prize and award certificate. First in Australia also receives a medal.

Two high-scoring Year 11 geography students who are between the ages of 15 and 18 on 30 June 2024, are chosen from each State and the combined Territories, to participate in Geography’s Big Week Out. Two other high-scoring students from across Australia are also awarded this prize. Tied students may be separated using further assessment.

School prizes

A book voucher and framed certificate are awarded to the top school in Australia, each State and the combined Territories (ACT, NT and the External Territories), based on the scores of the school’s best 5 students from each of Years 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Geography’s Big Week Out

The 2024 Geography’s Big Week Out will be held from Monday 30 September to Friday 4 October 2024. It will be hosted by the Geography Teachers Association of New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory. 

The event is a series of geography activities, with an emphasis on fieldwork, designed to challenge and extend high-performing Year 11 students. Costs (airfares, accommodation, meals and activities) of participation in the Big Week Out are met by the Australian Geography Competition.

International Geography Olympiad

The four members of Australia’s team to the 2025 International Geography Olympiad in Bangkok, Thailand, will be selected from Year 11 students based on students’ performances during the 2024 Big Week Out. Australia’s team to the 2024 Olympiad in Dublin, Ireland, were chosen from the 2023 Geography’s Big Week Out students.


The FAQs contain more specific information on the Competition. Teachers, particularly those new to the Competition, are encouraged to read the FAQs. More detailed information is also available in the Terms and Conditions. Please contact the Competition office with further questions.

The Australian Geography Competition is an initiative of the Royal Geographical Society of Queensland and the Australian Geography Teachers’ Association. Thanks to our sponsors, University of Melbourne, University of New South Wales, Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience and Flinders University. Geography’s Big Week Out and Australia’s participation in the International Geography Olympiads are also supported by the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment.