
2023 Prize Winners, Year 9

2023 Prize Winners, Year 9

Congratulations to these students (Year 9) who each came first or equal first in Australia, in their state or in the combined territories (ACT, NT and external territories). They received books and special certificates, and first in Australia each received a medal.

Equal First in AustraliaName WithheldScots All Saints College, NSW
Equal First in AustraliaZiran LekhaThe Rockhampton Grammar School, Qld
First in the Combined TerritoriesOscar WuCanberra Grammar School, ACT
First in South AustraliaBeverly HiiSt Peter's Girls'Collegiate
First in TasmaniaElliot SmedleyWynyard High School
First in VictoriaJack LauderTrinity Grammar School
First in Western AustraliaLuke ParadisoSt Norbert College